Welcome to Portobello Road Market
The Portobello Group operates numerous Antique Arcade Centres on Portobello Road and Westbourne Grove. This website
has been created to show and share the vibrant atmosphere that takes place every weekend on Portobello Road, and also
to provide you with the information needed in regards to trading and renting a stall from us.
Thousand's of visitors every week!
Portobello attracts thousands of dealers, collectors, browsers and tourists every
week, and has a genuinely unique atmosphere unlike any other road in London. With over 100,000 visitors per week
the Portobello Road is the largest and most famous market of its type in the world.
Saturday is the day when all the arcades are open and in full swing. On this day you will experience a mile of hustle,
haggle, colour and energy. The feature of Saturdays is the opening of hundreds of antique and specialist shops and
stalls. As well as the talented and bizarre street performers and buskers located along the road, there are plenty
of fresh fruit and vegetable stalls in the market, which trade throughout the week and are located further north than
the antiques, towards the Westway Flyover. You will also find flower traders and bread sellers shouting the odds from
their many colourful, aromatic stalls.

A little history
Portobello Road was named after the ‘Battle for Puerto Bello’ which took place in 1739 and has become home to the world’s
largest one-day (Saturday) antiques market. For many years collectors and the general public have flocked to the Portobello
Road to roam around the stalls and shops, which offer an unending source of reasonably priced antiques. Visitors come from
all over the world because they know that in our Antiques Markets they will find the most extensive selection of quality
antiques in Britain.
One thing is for sure about Portobello Road Market - There is something for everyone! |